NICE or Nasty? Access and Reimbursement of Multiple Sclerosis Medicines in the UK

Published 07 Jan 2006
Reference 5381
Topic Marketing
Industry Pharmaceuticals
Region Europe
Length 31 page(s)
Language English

NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) reviews the cost effectiveness of medicines for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (annual cost per patient €10,000-18,000) and does not authorize their use within the UK National Health Service. However, an agreement between the manufacturers and the Department of Health is reached on an innovative risk sharing scheme.

Teaching objectives

Value pricing in the healthcare sector. Implications of value pricing for the main stakeholders (patients, physicians, payers, manufacturers). Implications of the adoption of cost effectiveness criteria by healthcare buyers for product development and international launch decisions of pharmaceutical companies.

  • Pricing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Technology assessment
  • HMI
  • Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Sectors