Russian oil giant Gazpromneft acquires a controlling stake in the only Serbian vertically integrated oil company, NIS, in a major deal between the Serbian government on one side and the Russian government and Gazpromneft on the other. Gazpromneft assembles a team of 50 managers to take charge of NIS. The new management faces unparalled challenges in turning the sleeping giant (which represents 15% of Serbia's economy but operates at less than 50% of its capacity) into a commercially viable enterprise. Sceptics say the project has no economic logic, but the team is determined to prove them wrong.
To make students aware of the challenges of investing into an emerging economy and buying into a state-owned enterprise: - Managing multiple issues in an acquision - Creating a high-performance culture - Developing a strategy combining global experience and local expertise - Leading multicultural entreprises and teams Developing business in the Balkan region Transforming a state-owned company into a commercial enterprise
- mergers
- joint ventures
- intrecultural management
- business strategy
- organizational culture
- leadership
- Serbia and Balkans
- Q21112
- Corporate Governance
- Value Creation, Strategy and Implementation