Bringing Quick Loans to the Unbankable in Kenya (B)

Published 26 Sep 2016
Reference 6234
Topic Marketing
Region Africa
Length 5 page(s)
Language English

This case tells the story of InVenture, a data science company based in California, that has created a machine learning algorithm to identify the creditworthiness of those with no credit history by tracking their mobile data patterns. With this technology they define a credit score and can issue a loan almost instantly to the borrower via a mobile phone. The technology behind InVenture has been used to develop a smart phone app – Mkopo Rahisi – which enables loans to be approved quickly to small business owners in Kenya.

  • Loans
  • Unbankable
  • Emerging markets
  • Kenya
  • Banking
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Interest
  • Machine learning
  • Algorithm
  • Data science
  • Mobile
  • M-Pesa
  • Q11617