Harris Roberts (B)

Published 01 Mar 2005
Reference 5257
Length 2 page(s)
Language English

This series of cases tells the story of a functional specialist whose career goal is to become a general manager. Harris Roberts is repeatedly promised a promotion that never comes around. He must decide whether to be patient and improve his internal lobbying efforts, or instead look outside the firm, perhaps making a more entrepreneurial move.

Teaching objectives

This series of cases is designed to open modules concerned with the career decision-making process. What strategies are effective when one decides to make a career transition? How does one garner support, from mentors, sponsors and significant others, for such a transition? What is the process of change? How does one come to define what one truly wants to do next? The case series is designed as a companion to readings from

  • Career Choice
  • Mentoring
  • Managing Re-Entry