
BeefChain: Blockchain and the Dynamics of Traceability, Quality and Value Capture in the Beef Industry (Spanish)

Published 23 May 2023
Reference 6596
Topic Operations
Industry Agriculture
Region North America
Length 23 page(s)
Language Spanish

The case describes the organizational, operational, and financial challenges faced by BeefChain, a blockchain implementation in the cattle industry, following the successful completion of pilot projects and certification by the US Dept of Agriculture. Among them are the need for an efficient revenue model that can scale up in a seamless fashion and a viable business model to ensure the financial success of all the stakeholders.

Teaching objectives

The case discusses the enabling role of blockchain for traceability in agribusiness, along with key challenges such as ensuring an appropriate business model, adequate technology, and the mobilization of various stakeholders for swift implementation.

  • Blockchain
  • Agribusiness
  • Food security
  • Cattle ranching
  • Supply chain
  • Traceability
  • Q22023