Mark Chan worked for a British multinational in Singapore and was posted on an international assignment to its corporate headquarters in London. He performed well at his job and enjoyed a successful international career. When he and his wife decided to return home, he was unable to find a position that was requisite with his experience and skills back at the companys Singapore subsidiary. The case ends with Mark Chan wondering what he should do.
The main teaching objectives are to illustrate the impact of an international assignment on career advancement and professional development, the career-related dilemmas faced by expatriate managers and the difficulties awaiting them upon return from an overseas assignment. Family re-adjustment problems are also highlighted. Students must reflect on the factors that contributed to re-entry problems, and explore approaches to improve international career management and repatriation practices.
- International assignments
- Expatriate management
- Repatriation
- International human resource management
- Careers
- Career management
- Leadership development
- International career development. AR2003
- RD0903
- AR0304.