DHL Express Asia Pacific: Going Green

Published 27 Aug 2012
Reference 5874
Topic Operations
Region Asia
Length 13 page(s)
Language English

In 2008, DHL Express Asia Pacific started to assess its carbon footprint from energy consumption in real estate and ground transport in order to measure and improve carbon efficiency through carbon abatement programmes. The case describes how DHL Express AP’s GoGreen initiatives succeeded in improving its carbon footprint and its overall CO2 efficiency by 19% in 2009, while dramatically reducing its operating costs despite higher power rates and the opening of numerous new sites across Asia Pacific.

Teaching objectives

The main objective of the case is to explore how by focusing on reducing its carbon footprint, a company can at the same time become more efficient in its core business. The case also illustrates the implementation of a goGreen initiative in an oil-intensive industry.

  • Carbon Accounting
  • Sustainability
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Q41112