Roustam Tariko, Russian Entrepreneur: An Iconoclast in a Maelstrom

Published 01 Sep 2000
Reference 4894
Industry Banking
Region Other Regions
Length 27 page(s)
Language English

This case looks at entrepreneurial leadership and business development on several levels. It addresses issues that typically arise in new ventures and bricks to clicks transformation, including: evolution from the messy start-up stage to a more professional organization; entrepreneurship and internal incubators; strategies for continued growth and diversification; and brand management and marketing. It also looks closely at entrepreneurship in the very complex political and economic environment in Russia, and analyses the way past history and culture influence the course of an entrepreneurial organization's development insights which can be applied to organizations in other Eastern European countries. Finally, the case is a chronicle of a founder-entrepreneur's hopes, fears and impressions, an intimate look at the birth and growth of an entrepreneurial organization.

Teaching objectives

This case has several main themes. It serves as a basis for discussion of many of the challenges that typically face young entrepreneurs. These insights will help to reinforce students? understanding of such global issues as: The importance of the leader's charismatic and architectural roles defining and communicating a compelling and unifying vision and building reward and control processes that are aligned to the organization?s vision Creating an intrapreneurial culture and in-house incubators The transformation from entrepreneurial to more systematic management Strategies for diversification and growth; capturing synergies between divisions Personal issues: the ways in which the founder?s character affects the organization; the importance of life balance; the development of a set of core business values that complement strict control systems The case raises these points in a specific context: the chaotic environment in post-Soviet Russia. There are unique difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in Russia, ranging from lack of confidence by foreign investors, to dealing with the mafia and government officials. Students are challenged to reach their own conclusions about Roustam Tariko and his business practices, based on the objective and subjective information they are given just as they would have to do in a real life situation working for him or with him as a consultant, or as a potential investor.

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Character traits of entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurial behaviour
  • Russia
  • Russian leadership styles
  • Brand management
  • Bricks-to-clicks
  • Business ethics
  • Incubators
  • Intrapreneurship