Pumping Iron at Cliffs & Associates: The Circored Iron Ore Reduction Plant in Trinidad

Published 06 Dec 2002
Reference 5041
Topic Operations
Region South America
Length 16 page(s)

In a revolutionary technology plant, iron ore is converted into pure iron by hydrogen reduction. The case describes the process flow, including flow diagrams, mass balances, yields, and equipment uptimes. The case then describes the fixed and variable cost structure of labor, material and equipment, resulting in an analysis of the plant economics.

Teaching objectives

This case enables the student to analyze a continuous process flow, translating an operational process description into economic performance. Based on the economic analysis improvement projects can be prioritized.

  • Plant economics
  • Continuous processes
  • Yield management
  • Equipment uptimes and maintenance
  • Flow analysis
  • Real options. RD0502
  • AR2002