Thierry Azalbert

The French subsidiary of the German publishing company Gruner & Jahr, itself a subsidiary of the Bertelsmann Group, is considering the launch of a new business magazine called CAPITAL. The market looks unattractive, is new to the company, and the financial risk is high. The case describes the various steps in product development.

Published 14 Oct 2016

Reference 4310

Topic Marketing

Industry Publishing Writing and Editing

Region Europe

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The French subsidiary of the German publishing company Gruner & Jahr, itself a subsidiary of the Bertelsmann Group, is considering the launch of a new business magazine called CAPITAL. The market looks unattractive, is new to the company, and the financial risk is high. The case describes the various steps in product development.

Published 31 May 1994

Reference 4310

Topic Marketing

Industry Publishing Writing and Editing

Region Europe

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