TESCO Plc - Getting to the Top... Staying at the Top?

Published 01 Jan 1999
Reference 4824
Topic Marketing
Industry Retail
Region Europe
Length 40 page(s)
Language English

The case first describes the different re-positioning tools which have been used by Tesco to become todays leading British retailer (in terms of assortment, pricing postures, branching, service, customer loyalty schemes,). However, in the very competitive British supermarket battlefield, Tesco is re-inforcing its position through various new choices: moving to multiple store formats, going international (mostly in Eastern Europe and Asia), developing Tesco Direct,. Elements are given to evaluate the relevance of such strategic decisions.

Teaching objectives

Illustrate the strategic postures that a leading retailer may adopt in order to consolidate in a durable way its leadership position Show the complexity of moving away from a pure price image into a value for money one Highlight the advantages but also the challenges associated with a multiple format strategy

  • RD0399
  • UK