The case introduces two domestic acquisitions of Santander in the UK, namely Alliance & Leicester, and Bradford & Bingley. Several distinguishing characteristics of the targets and the acquisition process made these deals unique in British banking. Together with Abbey, Santander now owned and operated three different brands in Great Britain.
The case provides a unique perspective into: 1) Evaluation of the acquisition of new and partially distressed business units in the context of a competitive strategy, 2) Analysis of the implications for the existing business and how they might affect the strategic goals of the acquirer. 3) The issue of maintaining different brands after a merger in the banking industry.
- Strategy
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Post Merger Integration
- Bank Management
- Corporate Development
- Distressed Assets
- Branding
- Change Management
- European Competitiveness Initiative
- RD1110
- AR2010
- AR1011
- European Competitiveness
- Europe
- Change Management