Foundation Pro-Cerrado (B): The Price of Growth and the Risk of Ambition

Published 25 Mar 2013
Reference 5942
Region South America
Length 3 page(s)
Language English

This case analyzes the challenges faced by a Brazilian non-profit organization, Pro-Cerrado, which provides vocational training for disadvantaged young people. The case looks at how Pro-Cerrado tries to scale operations in order to have a real impact in society without compromising on quality. As the NGO grows, the study considers how ambition, egos and ethics can get in the way in the non-profit world.

Teaching objectives

The case provides a unique perspective on the following issues: 1) Challenges of scaling up a non-profit organization. 2) How to balance scalability, sustainability and relevance in a non-profit organization. 3) The apprenticeship training market in Brazil. 4) How to achieve financial stability withouth compromising ethics. 5) Challenges regarding corruption and leadership.

  • Q31213
  • Ethics
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Non Governmental Organization
  • Apprenticeship Training
  • Education
  • Youth Unemployment
  • Corruption