The Executive Challenge: Subordinate Roles for Group of 7 - Subordinate Role (3/7): Kim Andersen

Published 12 Mar 2018
Reference 6378
Length 27 page(s)
Language English

The Executive Challenge is an experiential exercise in resolving two challenges that executives need to master to become competent leaders. The first is processing and making decisions on complex and delicate issues with limited information. The second is dealing sensitively with other people, including taking and offering accurate feedback. The roleplay pack for groups of 5 is no. 6376; for groups of 6 is no. 6377; for groups of 7 is no. 6378.

Teaching objectives

The exercise gives students the opportunity to put themselves in executive shoes and practice handling issues and decisions that senior managers deal with on a daily basis. It allows them to practice behavioural observation skills, and giving and receiving feedback. This exercise allows students to: • Sense the pressure executives face balancing multiple demands in limited time. • Reflect and get feedback on their management style; give feedback to others on their styles. • Implement management skills and strategies taught in previous classes. • Experience how they take up management roles in relation to others.

  • Experiential exercise
  • Decision making
  • Management skills
  • Management strategies
  • Q21718