The case follows the career path of Megha Malagatti, from her humble Indian origins as a member of the Dalit caste (known as “untouchables”) to a senior management position in a French luxury goods company – an improbable journey that speaks to her personal strengths, skills and qualifications, as well as the possibilities open to young women to make a career in the luxury goods industry irrespective of their background. It opens a window on gender diversity in the executive suite, highlighting the company culture of S.T.Dupont and the CEO who mentored her.
Gender diversity in the workplace and the executive suite.
- career
- luxury
- India
- emotional intelligence
- Hindu
- mentor
- HR professionals
- Comité Colbert
- S.T.Dupont
- Alain Crevet
- untouchables
- 6Cs
- coach
- Sharon Flood
- Q41718